Youll love our collection of travel quotes to inspire exploration and learning from others. These are the wordsmiths that can take you by the hand and induce the most severe sense of wanderlust taking you to the edge of the world - and back. All Things Are Difficult Before They Are Easy Chinese Proverb Quotes Chinese Proverbs Wisdom Chinese Proverbs About Proverbs Quotes Proverbs Chinese Proverbs A smile will gain you ten more years of life. Travel Motivation Quotes Chinese . One of these travel quotes may get you on the road again andor be a mantra to keep you exploring the world for years to come. We can all relate to inspiring travel quotes which is what makes them so fun to read. If you bow at all bow low. Wheresoever you go go with all your heart. We hope these Chinese proverbs and quotes help motivate you through some of lifes most demanding times. It sings because it has a song. When you travel remember that a foreign country is not designed to make you com...