If you want some more posts about quotes check out our posts on adventure quotes travel quotes and short travel quotes. This is travel buddy bliss. Travel Partner Quotes For Wanderlust More Than Main Street Partner Quotes Travel Buddy Quotes Romantic Travel Quotes And as well a big list of fun things to do in Amsterdam. You Are My Travel Buddy Quotes . We all know that travel quotes can be powerful. 15 travel buddy quotes for wanderlust friendships. Take off all your envies jealousies unforgiveness selfishness and fears Cesare Pavese. Its hard to be alone Leonardo DiCaprio. These are definitely some great quotes for friendship. Saint Augustine We travel some of us forever to seek other states other lives other souls -Anais Nin. Its hard to be alone Leonardo DiCaprio. Basically its like youre getting married for the extent of your trip. For more romance inspired posts you can read about the best honeymoon destinations a guide to plan a trip to Hawaii or things to k...