These short best friend quotes can be a great way to let your friend someone whos been there through thick and thin ups and downs happy and sad tears and fears and joy and laughter know how very special they are. A good friend wants to hear your stories. Never Too Late Words Words Quotes Year Quotes If you are heading on a road trip with friends and need a little bit inspiration before setting off here is our choice of favorite road trip and adventure quotes. Awesome Trip With Friends Quotes Tumblr . 12 2- As soon as I saw you I knew a grand adventure was about to happen Winnie The Pooh. Thanks to those Animals which makes this group selfie Awesome. Best Inspirational Travel Quotes Of All Time Inspirational Travel Quotes. The best quotes about traveling with friends. Im slightly embarrassed to say that I love inspirational travel quotes. You can be 100 yourself around them with no judgement and theyll love and support you through thick and thin. Lots of people wan...