Make the most out of the trip dear. These safe journey quotes are just as juicy as the gravel quotes above. Safe Travels For All Who Safe Travels Prayer Safe Journey Happy And Safe Journey Please sweetheart stay safe. Safe Journey Quotes For A Lover . Safe Journey Quotes to You from Me. Safe Journey Wishes for Husbands Wives or significant others. Express your feelings and tell them that how much important theyre in journey mercies for the one and only friend whose impact has shaped my life for good. Go in the way of safety and be back in the way of love. Though not physically present you have my heart and prayers with you as always. In this section youll find some quotes you can use for your loved one before they head out on their travels whoever that loved one may be. Safe journey I miss you. Have a safe journey. Have a safe journey. I will always pray for you. Have a safe flight. If you have a smile for me Please keep it very safe When you come back he...